The ALL NEW Sports Coaching Brain……coming soon.

Hi there.

In response to the overwhelming support from the sporting community all over the world, the all new Sports Coaching Brain is about to get even better.

The new SCB will include some really cool, innovative and creative learning options including pod-casting and video – it will be bigger, brighter, better and brainier than ever.

Also – for all our swimming fans, friends and foes – all our Swimming content will be able to be seen at our all new swimming site,  www.swimcoachingbrain.com

And…for our increasing number of corporate clients and friends, check out www.businesscoachingbrain.com

Keep watching – life is about to get pretty exciting.

Wayne Goldsmith

1 Comment

  • Russell Parsons Posted March 31, 2009 4:12 am

    Great news Wayne. SPORT cannot afford to miss your comprehensive and articulate presentations.

    I look forward to the new site(s).

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