Content vs Intent: A Critical Coaching Concept
Content vs Intent: A Critical Coaching Concept

A fundamental aspect of becoming a great coach is understanding the difference between content and intent: understanding the difference between the science of coaching and the art of coaching. So much of great coaching comes from working with athletes as human beings and inspiring them to be more than they can be without our coaching.

The Secret to Success – And You Already Know It
The Secret to Success – And You Already Know It

The secret to success. The one thing that will turn your life around. The one thing that when you do it will make all your dreams come true. And what is it? You already know what it is. This article points out that everyone knows the secret to success – but we just aren’t prepared to actually commit to putting into practice.

Mental Toughness: What is It and How to Coach It
Mental Toughness: What is It and How to Coach It

Start talking about mental toughness in sport and you’ll soon find out that everyone’s got an opinion about it. People will start using words like “hard” and “tough” and “mean” and phrases like “never quits” etc to describe their views about mental toughness. But what is mental toughness? Can it be measured? Can it coached? And if mental toughness can be coached, how can it be coached? This post and podcast discuss mental toughness in sport and suggests a new way of looking at measuring and coaching mental toughness.