Sporting Parents: The Vital Element in the Performance Partnership
Sporting Parents: The Vital Element in the Performance Partnership

The sporting parent has some incredibly important responsibilities within the “performance partnership” – i.e. coach, athlete, parent. A sporting parent, for example, is responsible for developing values like honesty, integrity, humility, courage, discipline, a sporting parent can help a child develop time management and a sporting parent can teach an athlete to be more responsible for their own behaviour. This feature article discuss sporting parents and talks about how sporting parents can help their child realise their sporting potential.

The Secret to Success – And You Already Know It
The Secret to Success – And You Already Know It

The secret to success. The one thing that will turn your life around. The one thing that when you do it will make all your dreams come true. And what is it? You already know what it is. This article points out that everyone knows the secret to success – but we just aren’t prepared to actually commit to putting into practice.

Talent Identification and Development: So Much More Than Physical Ability
Talent Identification and Development: So Much More Than Physical Ability

There’s a great phrase that goes”real talent is harder to hide than it is to find”. Athletes with real physical talent stand out – their physical talent is obvious and it will be demonstrated at training and in competition in many ways. But to realise your full potential as an athlete, it’s about so much more than muscle. It’s about all the mental, emotional and character qualities like passion, commitment, dedication, determination, drive, desire and toughness. This podcast and post discusses the concept of talent identification in sport and challenges coaches to look for more than obvious signs of talent – to look past the physical aspects of talent and to adopt a more holistic approach to developing talented athletes: one that focuses on the less tangible areas and harder to measure aspects of performance.