Radio Sport Interview

Listen to Wayne Goldsmith’s Radio Sport Interview with Glen Garmer as answers questions like “How do you get under performing team get over their losses?” and a lot more. Part 1 [soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/94598336″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Part 2 [soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/94601647″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Engagement and Coaching: The Key to Success
Engagement and Coaching: The Key to Success

Engagement is the current coaching buzzword.

Engagement is like Stephen Hawking’s book, A Brief History of Time: many people are aware of it, some have studied it but very, very few understand it.

Yet, understanding engagement, what it is, how it works and how to increase your athlete’s level of engagement in your coaching program is critical to achieving the level of success you are striving for.

Engagement and Coaching is, the Key to Sporting Success.

Coaching = Engagement.
Coaching = Engagement.







We have all done it.

We have all been involved in debates, discussions and deliberations about what coaching is.

Some people say it is about teaching and learning skills. Others say it’s about sports science and applying a scientific method approach to planning and periodisation. Others say it’s about communication and caring. Still others believe coaching is about emotions like passion or it’s about values like commitment, honesty, integrity, humility, courage and discipline.

To add to the confusion, you get the coaching “zealots” who are promoting one type of coaching philosophy over another (in an effort to create a commercial success from their theories about coaching) who are convinced coaching is about the ABC Technique of Coaching or Homer Simpson’s Guide to Effective Coaching or some whiz bang made up word like Coaching Readiness for Accelerated Performance (I hope you spotted the acronym)!

Coaching is about one thing above all others…engagement.

Values Based Sport: How to Create an effective Values Based Sporting Environment.
Values Based Sport: How to Create an effective Values Based Sporting Environment.

Everyone talks about values based coaching.

Lots of people believe in values based management.

Even more promote the benefits of players and athletes coming up with a list of values on which to build a successful team preparation and performance environment.

And yet…in spite of all the talk about values and the millions of dollars being spent in professional sports around the world on developing values, mission statements and team trademarks, we still have sporting teams being destroyed by unprofessional preparation, poor alcohol and social drugs management, sexual harassment, violence, crime and misconduct.

So what is Values Based Sport how do you create an effective Values Based Sporting Environment?

Coaching in the Century of Entertainment
Coaching in the Century of Entertainment

The question is the same all over the world…”what’s wrong with athletes today?” Coaches from Australia to Alaska, from Germany to Guam and from Tanzania to Turkey are all asking why kids today don’t seem to work as hard as past sporting generations. Coaches want to know “how do I coach Generation Y” and the even more unpredictable “Generation I” (as I-phone, I-Pod, I-Pad and It’s all about what I want). This article looks at coaching in this century and suggests practical coaching strategies for coaches to coach effectively in century of Enter-trainment.

Don’t Count the Repeats:Make the Repeats Count.
Don’t Count the Repeats:Make the Repeats Count.

I know, I know, I know.

This sounds like an advertisement for a new sporting product or new piece of sporting training equipment…the sporting equivalent of the “knife that cuts through a shoe” or the “miracle mop” that does everything around the house including walking the dog, cooking dinner and putting the kids to bed.

But no….this is serious. You can achieve More with Less…this is how to do Less but get a Better result.

Mental Toughness: What is It and How to Coach It
Mental Toughness: What is It and How to Coach It

Start talking about mental toughness in sport and you’ll soon find out that everyone’s got an opinion about it. People will start using words like “hard” and “tough” and “mean” and phrases like “never quits” etc to describe their views about mental toughness. But what is mental toughness? Can it be measured? Can it coached? And if mental toughness can be coached, how can it be coached? This post and podcast discuss mental toughness in sport and suggests a new way of looking at measuring and coaching mental toughness.

Talent Identification and Development: So Much More Than Physical Ability
Talent Identification and Development: So Much More Than Physical Ability

There’s a great phrase that goes”real talent is harder to hide than it is to find”. Athletes with real physical talent stand out – their physical talent is obvious and it will be demonstrated at training and in competition in many ways. But to realise your full potential as an athlete, it’s about so much more than muscle. It’s about all the mental, emotional and character qualities like passion, commitment, dedication, determination, drive, desire and toughness. This podcast and post discusses the concept of talent identification in sport and challenges coaches to look for more than obvious signs of talent – to look past the physical aspects of talent and to adopt a more holistic approach to developing talented athletes: one that focuses on the less tangible areas and harder to measure aspects of performance.

Tough Training – Ten Reasons Why Training has to be Tougher than Competition
Tough Training – Ten Reasons Why Training has to be Tougher than Competition

Have you ever sat around and wondered why you didn’t win that race? Or even pondered how come you didn’t win the big game? Guess what……in a lot of cases the reason why you didn’t win was that you didn’t prepare to win. The fundamental reason you train is to prepare to meet the challenges and demands of every competitive situation you find yourself in. To do less, is to prepare to fail. This article discusses the concept of winning and explains why it is essential that your training must be tougher than the competition you are preparing for.