Olympic Mistakes: The Top Five Dumb Things Athletes and Coaches do heading into an Olympic Games.
Olympic Mistakes: The Top Five Dumb Things Athletes and Coaches do heading into an Olympic Games.

Lots of athletes go to the Olympic Games – very, very few come back with a medal or even a personal best performance.


Lack of Talent? Maybe.

Poor Skill? Possibly.

The wrong parents, i.e. Genetics? Could be.

But the main reason most of them don’t win a medal is that they made five dumb (and avoidable) mistakes in the period between their selection for the Olympic team and their Olympic Games competition.

Olympic Mistakes: The Top Five Dumb Things Athletes and Coaches do heading into an Olympic Games.

News Flash: Olympic Cycle Changed to Six Years.
News Flash: Olympic Cycle Changed to Six Years.

News Flash, Lausanne, Switzerland. Here is the latest news.

The IOC today announced that effective immediately there will be two Olympic Cycles.

The first one, known from this date forward as the “Pretenders Cycle” will run on the traditional four year Olympic cycle.

The second cycle, announced today as the “Contenders Cycle”, is a six year cycle. It is expected that the majority of Olympic medal winners will be using the new six year cycle.

Our Olympic reporter Wayne Goldsmith has more…..