Top Ten Talent I.D. Tips for High Performance Sport – The T.O.P. Approach
Top Ten Talent I.D. Tips for High Performance Sport – The T.O.P. Approach

So much of the world’s high performance sports dollars (or Yens or Yuans or Euros or Pounds or Pesos or Rands depending on where you come from), time, energy, focus and attention is spent on three things:

  1. Talent identification;
  2. Talent recruitment;
  3. Talent development.

Or if you like, find them, sign them, refine them.

And most of the world has still got it wrong. There is a better way.

Coaching and Visualisation (Imagery): See the Coach You Want to Be.
Coaching and Visualisation (Imagery): See the Coach You Want to Be.

Visualisation (imagery) is a technique which many high performance athletes use in their preparation for peak performance and competition. However, visualisation is just as powerful when used by coaches to enhance their coaching performance. This article introduces coaches to the topic of Coaching and Visualisation and discusses how to incorporate visualisation techniques into your coaching program to increase the likelihood of success.

The Crawford Report on Australian Sport – a preview from the crystal ball….
The Crawford Report on Australian Sport – a preview from the crystal ball….

So, the time is almost at hand.

The release of the report all Australian Sport has been waiting for over a year…the Crawford Report – is due any day now. (You know it is about to be released because the politicians are trying so hard to deny the final report exists).

For those of you not familiar with Crawford, take a look at http://www.sportpanel.org.au/internet/sportpanel/publishing.nsf

If we had a crystal ball, I wonder what will be contained in the report……..I wonder….I wonder….(imagine a fade out here like those movie “dream” sequences).

The Perfect (medal) Storm: Why the Medal Count in the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games is about to return to normal.
The Perfect (medal) Storm: Why the Medal Count in the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games is about to return to normal.


The Commonwealth Games  medal table is about to return to normal in Delhi.

And, unfortunately for Australia, this could mean a reduction in medals of up to 20% compared to results at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne.

The Perfect (Medal) Storm which has existed since 1994 is at an end and it is time for normal viewing to return.

News Flash: Olympic Cycle Changed to Six Years.
News Flash: Olympic Cycle Changed to Six Years.

News Flash, Lausanne, Switzerland. Here is the latest news.

The IOC today announced that effective immediately there will be two Olympic Cycles.

The first one, known from this date forward as the “Pretenders Cycle” will run on the traditional four year Olympic cycle.

The second cycle, announced today as the “Contenders Cycle”, is a six year cycle. It is expected that the majority of Olympic medal winners will be using the new six year cycle.

Our Olympic reporter Wayne Goldsmith has more…..

Winning in India at the 2010 Commonwealth Games: Are you already talking yourself out of a medal?
Winning in India at the 2010 Commonwealth Games: Are you already talking yourself out of a medal?

The 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India, are only months away.

What are we hearing from some athletes, coaches, administrators, the media and the public?

“It’s going to be hot over there”

“I am so worried about the security issues”

“How will we manage the travel?”

“I’m worried about the food and the health issues”

“I’m an endurance athlete – how will I compete when I have to breathe in all that pollution”.

Here’s a solution for you – don’t go!

If you are already talking yourself out of medal contention, then don’t go. Drop out. Give up  now.

Step back and let someone else -someone who wants to win and who will do whatever it takes to prepare to win in Indian conditions to take your place.

Or learn from this……

Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 Checklist – Are you ready to Win?
Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 Checklist – Are you ready to Win?

With the 19th Commonwealth Games in Delhi less than a year away, people are starting to get excited about the opportunity for high level competition and the potential to win medals and glory for their nations, their teams, their sports and themselves.

There will be three types of athletes, coaches (and even nations) at the Commonwealth Games next year in Delhi:

  1. Those who have planned and prepared poorly and have no chance of winning;
  2. Those who have done some basic planning and preparation and with a little luck have some chance of winning;
  3. Those who have planned and prepared professionally, thoroughly and systematically and with an uncompromising attention to detail and who will win.

The question you have to ask yourself is…..which one am I?