The Magic Moment: When a Coach makes a Difference.
The Magic Moment: When a Coach makes a Difference.

“We do not remember days, we remember moments.”

(Cesare Pavese)

Do you remember the moment when you were a teenager and Dad or Mom told you to “save money and think about your future”?

You didn’t listen did you.

And remember the moment when you were 18 and some relative told you to “work hard and make something of yourself”?

Ignored them didn’t you.

Life is full of these moments when people, with all good intentions, give you some advice which they think will inspire you to change your life and become all you can be.

And how many times have you told an athlete make the most of every training session and make the most of your opportunities”?

And they didn’t listen.

So, what makes people listen to the right advice? How do you engage and inspire the hearts and minds of athletes and have them grasp every session, every minute, every moment as if it was their last?

The Magic Moment: When a Coach makes a Difference.

Sports Psychology: Integrating Mental Skills Training in Effective Coaching.
Sports Psychology: Integrating Mental Skills Training in Effective Coaching.

We all agree that developing mental skills is an essential part of being a successful athlete.

The ability to perform under pressure, the capacity to remain confident and resilient when competition conditions get tough, the skill to be able to relax and stay focused when feeling pain and fatigue in competition, concentration, visualization……coaches and athletes are unanimous that spending time developing mental skills is time well spent.

However, figuring out the best way to develop mental skills – particularly mental skills which can directly enhance the competition performance of athletes is another matter.

We all think working with a Sports Psychologist is a good idea but Sports Psychologists are like life partners……we know that having one is probably a good idea but it is next to impossible to find a good one.

Coaching Self-Confidence in Sport: An Evidence Based Approach.
Coaching Self-Confidence in Sport: An Evidence Based Approach.

There is no doubt that developing self-confidence is one of the hottest topics in sports coaching. Coaches universally agree that helping athletes to develop a strong sense of self-confidence: one which is resistant to the pain, pressure and fatigue of preparation and performance is at the core of what sports coaching is all about. So how do coaches help athletes to develop self-confidence? This article presents some practical ideas for helping athletes to develop a strong, real sense of self-confidence: self-confidence which is built on a solid foundation of evidence rather than on hollow rhetoric, shallow praise and cheesy motivational sayings.

Mental Toughness: What is It and How to Coach It
Mental Toughness: What is It and How to Coach It

Start talking about mental toughness in sport and you’ll soon find out that everyone’s got an opinion about it. People will start using words like “hard” and “tough” and “mean” and phrases like “never quits” etc to describe their views about mental toughness. But what is mental toughness? Can it be measured? Can it coached? And if mental toughness can be coached, how can it be coached? This post and podcast discuss mental toughness in sport and suggests a new way of looking at measuring and coaching mental toughness.

Sports Psycho-physiology: The Way Forward in Successful Coaching and Sports Performance.
Sports Psycho-physiology: The Way Forward in Successful Coaching and Sports Performance.

There is nothing new about integrating the Mind and the Body to realise successful sports performance. However, what is new is integrating Mind and Body in all aspects of sports coaching and athletic performance every day. This article discusses Sports Psycho – Physiology and challenges athletes, coaches, sports scientists and sporting organisations to reassess how they go about applying the integrated Mind-Body concept in their daily athlete training environment.

Coaching and Visualisation (Imagery): See the Coach You Want to Be.
Coaching and Visualisation (Imagery): See the Coach You Want to Be.

Visualisation (imagery) is a technique which many high performance athletes use in their preparation for peak performance and competition. However, visualisation is just as powerful when used by coaches to enhance their coaching performance. This article introduces coaches to the topic of Coaching and Visualisation and discusses how to incorporate visualisation techniques into your coaching program to increase the likelihood of success.

The Psychology of Winning: How to Develop a Winning Attitude in High Performance Sport
The Psychology of Winning: How to Develop a Winning Attitude in High Performance Sport

Ask any athlete or coach about the contribution of the mind to performance and they will respond that it will vary between 90 and 95%! Yet, most of time, coaches and athletes leave their mental skills training to the last minute and often it is in the form of a “motivation” talk from a guru or professional speaker. This article discusses the importance of integrating mental skills into every aspect of preparation by understanding how to help athletes “think” differently about their training and how motivation is such a powerful performance enhancement tool in sport.