The future – who will get there first?
The future – who will get there first?

In high performance sport, there are three groups of people. One group who think they get “it” but don’t. One group who will never get “it”. And one group who really get “it”. The trick is in understanding what “it” is. This article discusses “it” and challenges sports coaches to think about whether or not they have “it” and if not how they can get “it”.

Ten Reasons Why Change is so Hard to Introduce in Sport
Ten Reasons Why Change is so Hard to Introduce in Sport

Change in sporting organisations is critical. Success is a moving target. Sporting organisations who are successful have a culture which embraces continuous improvement and see change not as a threat but as a critical strategy for their sustainable growth and success. This article discusses change in sport and why it is so hard to do. It also suggests some strategies to ensure change becomes part of your organisation’s culture and becomes a key driver of your organisation’s success in the future.

What’s all this Leadership by Empowerment stuff about?
What’s all this Leadership by Empowerment stuff about?

Leadership in sport has changed. It’s no longer about the head coach or team captain standing and demanding winning behaviours and successful standards. It’s about engaging with everyone in the team, inspiring them to be committed to the team goals and to empowering them to be all they can be as individuals within the team environment. This article challenges coaches to look at the traditional leadership model in sporting teams from a new angle.