Leading without Leading: The new direction (or lack of it) in Leadership.
Leading without Leading: The new direction (or lack of it) in Leadership.

People with unique needs. People with unique attitudes. People with unique identities. People with unique motivations. People from different cultures – some of them with different languages and faiths.
The most important three things you need to make your organisation successful are all the same – people, people, people.
Leadership has changed. It’s not about being a great orator. It’s not about where you got your MBA from. It’s about learning how to inspire others – to create the environment and the opportunity for people to express their potential and their talent and to in turn helping people to lead themselves and others. Leadership has changed so much that it might be more appropriate to call it Leading – without Leading.

Change Management – the Only Game in Town.
Change Management – the Only Game in Town.

Change management is the only game in town. Everything depends on it. Business success. Profits. Client satisfaction. Staff performance. Everything. The Ten Laws of Change Management: Manage change – or change will manage you: Lead the introduction of change, new ideas and innovations in your industry. If you don’t, then time, situations and circumstances will force

Nextperts: Because Everyone is an Expert.
Nextperts: Because Everyone is an Expert.

The Internet has a lot going for it. Free on line newspapers, web-mail, lots of great information and ideas: anyone can get anything, anytime, anywhereand without paying any money! The downside – for service based businesses is……everyone now thinks they are an expert. Want to know how to build a brick wall? Check out the

Social Media – the S.M.A.R.T. Approach.
Social Media – the S.M.A.R.T. Approach.

Lots of people are talking about Social Media. Lots of people are getting excited and exhilarated about the potential of Social Media to change the world by providing simple, easy, readily accessible tools to communicate, create and collaborate. And lots of people are getting baffled, befuddled and bedazzled about Social Media and just what it