The Culture Combination: 5 People and Positions You Must Get Right to Build a Winning High Performance Culture in Your Sporting Organisation
The Culture Combination: 5 People and Positions You Must Get Right to Build a Winning High Performance Culture in Your Sporting Organisation

There is no one thing that you can do which will guarantee success: no single change which, in isolation will create and sustain a winning culture in high performance sport.

There are however a combination of things that you can do to increase the likelihood of success: “The Culture Combination”: 5 People and Positions You Must Get Right to Build a Winning High Performance Culture in Your Sporting Organisation.

The future – who will get there first?
The future – who will get there first?

In high performance sport, there are three groups of people. One group who think they get “it” but don’t. One group who will never get “it”. And one group who really get “it”. The trick is in understanding what “it” is. This article discusses “it” and challenges sports coaches to think about whether or not they have “it” and if not how they can get “it”.

The Facility Fallacy
The Facility Fallacy


Here’s how it goes.

Your club has had another poor season.

People looking for answers come up with a lot of ideas on how to improve next year.

The management team determine that what the Club needs is a new high performance facility: new stadium, new meeting rooms, new computer lab, new medical facilities, a new gym and of course the obligatory new recovery facility.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

This is the Facility Fallacy.

Content vs Intent: A Critical Coaching Concept
Content vs Intent: A Critical Coaching Concept

A fundamental aspect of becoming a great coach is understanding the difference between content and intent: understanding the difference between the science of coaching and the art of coaching. So much of great coaching comes from working with athletes as human beings and inspiring them to be more than they can be without our coaching.

“The” Talk: Why you already know all you need to be a successful coach.
“The” Talk: Why you already know all you need to be a successful coach.

We’ve all had “The” Talk. You know the one. The one where mum or dad or a coach or a teacher or a religious leader or a good friend looked you in the eye and told you the secret to success. Do you remember “the” talk?
It went something like this didn’t it? “You know (insert your name here). You could really be something special. If you find that one thing that you love to do and that you are passionate about, and if you believe in yourself and work hard and never give up and if you give all you have to relentlessly pursuing your dreams, nothing is impossible for you”. Remember “that” talk? Some people get “the” talk when they are just kids. Others hear it when they are teenagers. Some get to hear “the” talk as young adults while others don’t hear it until they are in their middle age. And most people get “the” talk over and over and over and over again throughout their lives as they move through school, sport, university and employment.

Recovering from Recovery: Recovery in Perspective.
Recovering from Recovery: Recovery in Perspective.

The sporting world has gone Recovery mad: ice baths, Sports drinks, Gels, high-pressure showers, massage……..it has gotten to the point where some athletes and coaches are putting Recovery before Hard Training. So what is Recovery? Why is it important? And most importantly what is the role of Recovery in enhancing the competition performance of athletes?

Positive Drug Tests in Sport: 6 Types of Drug Cheats and How to Recognise them.
Positive Drug Tests in Sport: 6 Types of Drug Cheats and How to Recognise them.

Positive Drug Tests in sport.

What sort of idiot trains hard for months or even years then:

  1. Takes performance enhancing or social drugs before, during or after competition?
  2. Takes performance enhancing or social drugs at any time?

That’s just it: they are idiots. Well most of them are anyway. Some are misguided. Some are lazy. Some just made a genuine mistake.

Positive Drug Tests in Sport: 6 Types of Drug Cheats and How to Recognise them.

Creative Coaching: Teaching coaches to be Creative and Innovative.
Creative Coaching: Teaching coaches to be Creative and Innovative.


Write down your own list of the top ten skills of quality coaching. What does it look like? Something like this?

  1. Communication skills;
  2. Passion;
  3. Empathy with athletes;
  4. The ability to engage with athletes and inspire athletes to fully engage with the program;
  5. Enthusiasm;
  6. Technical knowledge;
  7. An understanding of the relevant principles of sports science and sports medicine;
  8. Energy;
  9. Curiosity (which inspires a passion for learning);
  10. A commitment to continuous improvement and accelerated learning.

You could add hundreds of skills to this list: experience, drive, initiative, the will to win, attention to detail, commitment, vision, determination, a strong work ethic…………there are as many desirable coaching skills as there are coaches.

But, in this century, there is one coaching skill to rule them all – creativity: creative coaching.

The question is…...can you teach coaches to be creative?

The Rugby Union and Rugby League Guaranteed to Succeed Game Plan
The Rugby Union and Rugby League Guaranteed to Succeed Game Plan

Is it just me or does it seem like every coach involved in rugby league and rugby union has the same game plan?

With all the money spent on coaching, analysis, technology, video, training programs, performance enhancement, player development, facilities, equipment, ball technology, strength training, conditioning, wrestling, leadership development, boots, nutrition, psychology, protein supplements etc etc you would think that rugby league and rugby union would be havens for innovation, creativity and genius.

So why does it seem like every team, every coach and every player is reading from the same play book when it comes to game plans?

The W – Word: Winning.
The W – Word: Winning.

I am getting so sick of people talking about high performance environments, about following a process, about systems, about structures, about programs, about initiatives, about workshops and about strategies.

The name of the game is Winning – oops – there I said it.

Winning. Winning. Winning. There, I said it again.

That felt great. I’ll say it some more. Winning. Winning. Winning. Winning.

That felt so good I’ll do it again. Winning!! Winning!!!! Winning!!!!!

The W Word: Winning.