
Welcome Message

Hello, my name is Wayne GoldSmith

With over 25 years experience working with some of the best coaches, athletes, teams and sporting organisations in the world, WG Coaching offers an unparalleled opportunity for you to become the coach you dream of becoming.

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Performance = potential x Commitment

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She changed everything in
my life…

Pretty much my whole life I’ve been living in a total distress. And it was unclear what seemed to be the reason. Up until my friend showed me your profile in a social network. Then it all clicked in place – I was harming my body with junk food and lazy TV evenings. Thank you for teaching me a healthy lifestyle, excercises and eating

by Anna Wellington

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Linda Jones

For me personally, a healthy way of living was a mysterious and unrealistic theory that I was never in a mood to explore. No, with your help and guidance I am to start a new life!

Linda JonesPhotographer
Patrick Mills

It is always easier to go with fast food, but we forget that neglecting your diet costs us our long and happy life. I recommend your site to all who want to change their lives.

Partick MillsMarketer
Jenny Smith

People often refuse to take the challenge of physical excercise. To my enormous happyness I met you, and you proved again that it's really easy to stay healthy and fit!

Jenny SmithEconomist

My Blog

The Coaches “Box” – Good and Bad in the Hot Seat in Professional Sport.

They don’t call it the Hot Seat for nothing – the coaches’ box! The coaches’ box is the place where...

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The Accountability Myth – Why the current Leadership models in High Performance Sport are failing (badly).
The Accountability Myth – Why the current Leadership models in High Performance Sport are failing (badly).

Person surrounded with crowd from Crestock Stock Photo Time to be honest about this whole Leadership concept in high...

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Ten Tips to Make Sure Your End of Season Re-view is a Pre-view for Success for Next Year
Ten Tips to Make Sure Your End of Season Re-view is a Pre-view for Success for Next Year

Typically the end of season means a well earned rest, a few quiet drinks with team mates, some time with family and...

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